Poll Results

We run polls to explore public opinion on the impact of automation and AI on jobs, careers, and the future of work. On this page, you can see the responses to understand how people are feeling about these pressing issues and what they believe lies ahead in an increasingly automated world.


Perceptions and attitudes toward automation

Q: What's your attitude toward automation?

Option Votes Percentage
Extremely positive 129
21.22 %
Somewhat positive 149
24.51 %
Neutral 145
23.85 %
Somewhat negative 109
17.93 %
Extremely negative 76
12.50 %

Q: Which potential benefit of automation do you find most appealing?

Option Votes Percentage
Increased productivity 210
30.70 %
Safety improvement 79
11.55 %
Cost reduction 93
13.60 %
Availability of services 24/7 147
21.49 %
None 86
12.57 %
Other 69
10.09 %

Q: Which potential drawback of automation worries you the most?

Option Votes Percentage
Job loss 581
53.40 %
Privacy concerns 76
6.99 %
Increased wealth inequality 138
12.68 %
Dependence on technology 155
14.25 %
None 75
6.89 %
Other 63
5.79 %

Q: Do you think the benefits of automation outweigh the risks?

Option Votes Percentage
Yes, definitely 197
27.13 %
Yes, somewhat 162
22.31 %
No, the risks are greater 97
13.36 %
No, they are too unpredictable 106
14.60 %
I'm not sure 164
22.59 %

Effects on employment and work culture

Q: How worried are you about automation affecting your job?

Option Votes Percentage
Not worried at all 168
23.37 %
Slightly worried 141
19.61 %
Moderately worried 164
22.81 %
Very worried 192
26.70 %
Already affected 54
7.51 %

Q: Are you worried about the impact of automation on your children's future job opportunities?

Option Votes Percentage
Very worried 419
37.61 %
Somewhat worried 255
22.89 %
Neutral 201
18.04 %
Not very worried 102
9.16 %
Not worried at all 137
12.30 %

Q: Should automation replace human jobs, or assist humans in their jobs?

Option Votes Percentage
Replace 143
9.00 %
Assist 646
40.65 %
A balance of both 489
30.77 %
I'm not sure 311
19.57 %

Education and skills for future

Q: What steps are you taking to protect your career from automation?

Option Votes Percentage
Learning new skills 410
43.02 %
Changing careers 66
6.93 %
Going back to school 35
3.67 %
Starting my own business 126
13.22 %
I am not taking any steps 229
24.03 %
Other 87
9.13 %

Q: Do you think the current education system is adequately preparing students for an automated future?

Option Votes Percentage
Yes, definitely 118
4.88 %
Yes, somewhat 152
6.29 %
No, it needs improvement 1030
42.60 %
No, not at all 864
35.73 %
I'm not sure 254
10.50 %

Q: Considering the rise of automation and AI, how has the importance of continuous learning and skill development changed for you?

Option Votes Percentage
Now a top priority 158
29.53 %
Significantly more important now 140
26.17 %
Somewhat more important now 89
16.64 %
No change - learning always mattered 111
20.75 %
Not important - automation doesn't affect me 37
6.92 %

Q: Which human skill do you believe offers the most significant edge over machines?

Option Votes Percentage
Adaptability 83
7.77 %
Building Relationships 93
8.71 %
Collaboration 15
1.40 %
Communication Skills 47
4.40 %
Creativity 221
20.69 %
Critical Thinking 66
6.18 %
Emotional Intelligence 147
13.76 %
Empathy 149
13.95 %
Ethical Judgment 81
7.58 %
Innovation 37
3.46 %
Leadership 45
4.21 %
Problem-Solving 37
3.46 %
Other 47
4.40 %

Policy and responsibility

Q: Do you believe the government should regulate job automation?

Option Votes Percentage
Yes, strongly 308
41.90 %
Yes, but not too strictly 178
24.22 %
No, the market should decide 157
21.36 %
I'm unsure 92
12.52 %

Q: Do you trust tech companies to use AI responsibly?

Option Votes Percentage
Yes, completely 138
11.17 %
Yes, mostly 185
14.97 %
Neutral / Unsure 252
20.39 %
No, not really 306
24.76 %
No, not at all 355
28.72 %

Q: Should employers be responsible for reskilling/retraining employees when their jobs are automated?

Option Votes Percentage
Yes, completely 319
46.03 %
Yes, but partially 193
27.85 %
No, employees should self-educate 80
11.54 %
I'm not sure 101
14.57 %

Q: Would a Universal Basic Income be a good solution to potential job losses due to automation?

Option Votes Percentage
Yes, definitely 202
36.14 %
Yes, perhaps 136
24.33 %
Neutral / unsure 69
12.34 %
No, there are better solutions 68
12.16 %
No, not at all 84
15.03 %

Q: Should there be government incentives for companies that reskill their employees due to automation?

Option Votes Percentage
Yes, definitely 244
55.71 %
Yes, but only for certain sectors 86
19.63 %
No, companies should bear the cost 43
9.82 %
I'm not sure 65
14.84 %

Q: In your opinion, who should be responsible for creating jobs if automation leads to widespread job loss?

Option Votes Percentage
Government 189
25.75 %
Private sector 112
15.26 %
Joint responsibility of both 298
40.60 %
Others 30
4.09 %
I'm not sure 105
14.31 %

Data privacy and automation

Q: Are you comfortable sharing personal data with online services to improve AI and enhance functionality?

Option Votes Percentage
Yes, if it enhances the service 116
23.87 %
Yes, if data is anonymized 74
15.23 %
Maybe, depends on the service 70
14.40 %
No, unless I control the data 88
18.11 %
No, under no circumstances 138
28.40 %

Q: How important is it for businesses to be transparent about their use of automation and AI?

Option Votes Percentage
Very important 298
62.47 %
Somewhat important 97
20.34 %
Neutral / unsure 48
10.06 %
Not very important 13
2.73 %
Not important at all 21
4.40 %

Q: Are you aware of the data that AI systems collect from you on a daily basis?

Option Votes Percentage
Yes, completely aware 295
35.29 %
Somewhat aware 227
27.15 %
Not sure 123
14.71 %
Not really aware 101
12.08 %
Not aware at all 90
10.77 %

Q: Do you feel informed about the data AI systems collect from you?

Option Votes Percentage
Yes, fully informed 120
28.99 %
Somewhat informed 91
21.98 %
Not informed, but would like to know more 155
37.44 %
Not informed and not concerned 48
11.59 %

Q: How important do you think it is for AI systems to have an 'opt-out' option for data collection?

Option Votes Percentage
Very important 270
64.29 %
Somewhat important 68
16.19 %
Neutral 54
12.86 %
Not very important 11
2.62 %
Not important at all 17
4.05 %

Q: In the context of automation, what level of data regulation do you think should be implemented?

Option Votes Percentage
Strict regulation 161
32.72 %
Moderate regulation 155
31.50 %
Minimal regulation 62
12.60 %
No regulation 29
5.89 %
I'm not sure 85
17.28 %

Prediction of automation impact

Q: Do you think automation will overall have a positive or negative impact on the economy?

Option Votes Percentage
Positive 225
24.12 %
Negative 134
14.36 %
Both positive and negative 467
50.05 %
I'm not sure 107
11.47 %

AI Chatbot Tools

Q: Have you used an AI chatbot like ChatGPT before?

Option Votes Percentage
Yes, frequently 1443
42.88 %
Yes, occasionally 979
29.09 %
Once or twice 483
14.35 %
Never 460
13.67 %

Q: How satisfied are you with the performance of AI chatbots?

Option Votes Percentage
Very satisfied 237
21.78 %
Somewhat satisfied 310
28.49 %
Neutral 267
24.54 %
Somewhat dissatisfied 124
11.40 %
Very dissatisfied 150
13.79 %

Q: Do you trust AI chatbots with handling sensitive information?

Option Votes Percentage
Yes, completely 146
16.52 %
Somewhat 205
23.19 %
No 409
46.27 %
I'm unsure 124
14.03 %

Q: How do you see the role of AI chatbots evolving in the future?

Option Votes Percentage
They will become more prevalent and versatile 336
71.64 %
They will stay roughly the same as now 31
6.61 %
Their usage will decrease due to privacy concerns 32
6.82 %
I'm unsure 70
14.93 %


Q: How would you prefer we monetize the website?

Option Votes Percentage
Ads on the website 106
30.81 %
Donations 81
23.55 %
Charge for advanced features 21
6.10 %
Merchandise sales 20
5.81 %
It shouldn’t be monetized 52
15.12 %
Sponsored newsletter 24
6.98 %
Other 40
11.63 %

Universal Basic Income

Q: Do you support the implementation of a Universal Basic Income (UBI) in your country?

Option Votes Percentage
Yes, strongly support 217
45.59 %
Yes, somewhat support 71
14.92 %
Neutral / Unsure 85
17.86 %
No, somewhat oppose 30
6.30 %
No, strongly oppose 73
15.34 %

Q: Which potential benefit of Universal Basic Income (UBI) appeals to you the most?

Option Votes Percentage
Financial security for all citizens 83
35.02 %
Reducing poverty and homelessness 47
19.83 %
Simplifying welfare systems 21
8.86 %
Preparing for job automation impacts 30
12.66 %
No benefits 23
9.70 %
Others (Please specify) 33
13.92 %

Q: What is your primary reason for supporting or opposing Universal Basic Income (UBI)?

Option Votes Percentage
Reduces poverty and income inequality 76
36.19 %
Encourages economic stability amidst automation 47
22.38 %
Concerns about funding and taxation 22
10.48 %
Belief it disincentivizes work 35
16.67 %
Others (Please specify) 30
14.29 %

Q: How do you think Universal Basic Income (UBI) would impact the job market?

Option Votes Percentage
Increase entrepreneurship and innovation 76
26.86 %
Decrease motivation to work 76
26.86 %
Have minimal impact 11
3.89 %
Lead to higher wages due to reduced labor supply 18
6.36 %
I'm not sure 71
25.09 %
Others (Please specify) 31
10.95 %

Q: If Universal Basic Income (UBI) were implemented, how would it affect your personal career choices?

Option Votes Percentage
I would continue working as usual 99
31.83 %
I would reduce my working hours 62
19.94 %
I would pursue a passion project or new career 132
42.44 %
Other (please specify) 18
5.79 %

Q: Do you believe Universal Basic Income (UBI) would encourage people to invest more in education and skill development?

Option Votes Percentage
Yes, significantly 120
37.38 %
Yes, somewhat 80
24.92 %
No effect 34
10.59 %
Less investment 33
10.28 %
Much less investment 36
11.21 %
Unsure 18
5.61 %

Q: Would you be willing to pay higher taxes to support a Universal Basic Income (UBI) program?

Option Votes Percentage
Yes, for the greater good 114
34.97 %
Maybe, depends on the tax increase 66
20.25 %
No, taxes are already high 50
15.34 %
No, I oppose UBI 53
16.26 %
I'm not sure 43
13.19 %