Web Developers

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(Moderate Risk)
(High Risk)
Average: 60%
by year 2033
or $40.84 per hour
as of 2023

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Calculated automation risk

53% (Moderate Risk)

Moderate Risk (41-60%): Occupations with a moderate risk of automation usually involve routine tasks but still require some human judgment and interaction.

More information on what this score is, and how it is calculated is available here.

Some quite important qualities of the job are difficult to automate:

  • Originality

User poll

68% chance of full automation within the next two decades

Our visitors have voted that it's probable this occupation will be automated. This assessment is further supported by the calculated automation risk level, which estimates 53% chance of automation.

What do you think the risk of automation is?

What is the likelihood that Web Developers will be replaced by robots or artificial intelligence within the next 20 years?


The following graph is included wherever there is a substantial amount of votes to render meaningful data. These visual representations display user poll results over time, providing a significant indication of sentiment trends.

Sentiment over time (quarterly)

Sentiment over time (yearly)


Very fast growth relative to other professions

The number of 'Web Developers' job openings is expected to rise 9.0% by 2033

Total employment, and estimated job openings

* Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the period between 2021 and 2031
Updated projections are due 09-2024.


High paid relative to other professions

In 2023, the median annual wage for 'Web Developers' was $84,960, or $40 per hour

'Web Developers' were paid 76.8% higher than the national median wage, which stood at $48,060

Wages over time

* Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics


Moderate range of job opportunities compared to other professions

As of 2023 there were 85,350 people employed as 'Web Developers' within the United States.

This represents around 0.06% of the employed workforce across the country

Put another way, around 1 in 1 thousand people are employed as 'Web Developers'.

Job description

Develop and implement websites, web applications, application databases, and interactive web interfaces. Evaluate code to ensure that it is properly structured, meets industry standards, and is compatible with browsers and devices. Optimize website performance, scalability, and server-side code and processes. May develop website infrastructure and integrate websites with other computer applications.

SOC Code: 15-1254.00


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Karmatoph (Low) 16 days ago
AI can barely fix bugs right now, AI will not be able to make the quality life adjustments need to make websites more user friendly, if they could they would have consciousness.
1 2 Reply
bob (Highly likely) 2 months ago
They can already make code in python and HTML, javascript, etc.
2 3 Reply
NextJS for work, Svelte for fun. (Low) 3 months ago
I believe AI will replace the low-level, bootcamp "web technician" and CMS developer; both tend to spew out recycled solutions and don't tend to innovate based on bare-metal CS principles. In a saturated market, being "just passable" will get you replaced.

As for legitimate *engineers* that understand the math and algorithms behind the solutions they're implementing? Not a chance. AI is horrible at crafting new designs and even worse at optimizing a program's runtime efficiency. Check the Lighthouse score between a website developed with Wix AI vs a FS web dev; AI doesn't hold a candle, as it can't optimally tailor every single element to the client's needs. This won't change, as clients' needs will always be unique.
3 1 Reply
Vlad G. (No chance) 3 months ago
Because brands would always need "unique" interfaces and AI kind of tends to repetition of existing experience. So, to invent new innovative UI solutions we still would need some human-beings that provide better solutions for other humans. Of course, AI would help us with such tasks, but not entirely replace us.
2 0 Reply
Senior programmer 6 months ago
This job will be accessible only to passionate programming guys in the future. They learn coding stuff all the time for their entire life. If you want to learn once and then use it for decades, learn something else.
6 1 Reply
Guest 4 months ago
And they will eat passion for dinner right?
6 0 Reply
User 1 month ago
passion fruit
0 0 Reply
Jersey Jim (Highly likely) 6 months ago
If it is not automated, it will be offshored for peanuts. Getting a job is very tough. For the amount of knowledge necessary to actually be employed, your efforts are better rewarded doing something else. I just applied for a role, and the employer didn't just want the listed technologies, but a laundry list of other frameworks, languages, and tools.  If it requires so much knowledge now to get hired, imagine the future.
2 0 Reply
Kotlin is superior 3 months ago
I can partially agree. But, if companies rely too much on budget-cuts/offshoring/automation, the increase in cybersecurity will have to go up. Hackers are incredible innovators and mathematical artists; where a company lacks in investment, they leave themselves wide open to vulnerabilities and oversights. I expect there may be a period where they'll offshore too many jobs... and when a zero-day security response is necessary, the company won't have an answer.
0 0 Reply
Jersey Jim 25 days ago
Security is not a priority. Facebook was found to be saving passwords in plain text not that long ago. Testing will be done by AI and real users. Then teams will fix the bugs when the product is live. The fines for breaches is minor and usually there is a middleman to take the fall.
0 0 Reply
OMID (Highly likely) 6 months ago
I see a lot of web builders online that makes impressive websites just by giving a prompt and in 20 years I don't see how people would pay humans to create website while there are a lot of impressive and super fast generative AIs out there. Which is just going to improve...
3 0 Reply
Ivo (Low) 8 months ago
Yes, current versions of AI can spew out code that is semi-coherent even absolutely on point right now, but still requires a lot of oversight. I have doubts that it will be able to fully understand the assignments without detailed guidance, for which an actual person is needed. The AI will ease the work of developers, but not replace it.
5 0 Reply
Kevin (Low) 8 months ago
The job of web development requires creativity, and thinking outside the box.
2 2 Reply
Scorpreb (Moderate) 8 months ago
Nowadays, web development can easily be done with the help of AI and AI tools.
4 5 Reply
Subbu (Uncertain) 9 months ago
Because, web developer's job is not a 100% human only job, but robots can't completely takeover as its might required human creativity
1 0 Reply
The guy (Moderate) 10 months ago
Because AI might be good at helping you generate loops and snippets of code to find solutions, but asking an AI to make a dedicated, advanced and working app is like asking a cat to get off of your keyboard. It ain't going to happen.
2 1 Reply
Roushan Gupta (Uncertain) 10 months ago
I voted uncertain because of human desire will change and hance complexity of automating this will change!
1 0 Reply
mhm 8 months ago
That's a very valid point. Human desire is endless and it makes it more complex over and over. There's nowhere to end the problems, problems occur endlessly no matter how technologies improve.
1 0 Reply
John (Moderate) 10 months ago
I am a web developer and often leverage AI. Once to test Gemini, I asked it to write me simple code in tailwind for a carousel based on the image input. I copy pasted the code into my VS code and guess what? The entire work I have been doing till now got bugged. I tried making some adaptive changes like renaming classes and all and finally, there was no reason to collide with my code. But still, the code doesn't seem to work.
What I am trying to say is AI is helpful but it can never be enough to give code for a customized fully functioning website because some aspects like hover colours all require some kind of human touch. While cheap dudes will be happy with these results, big businesses and brands still need web developers. Website is also more than coding and includes many aspects like brand identity, customer target, etc. something AI can't mimic.
1 0 Reply
Chloe .c (Highly likely) 11 months ago
Since robots will be advanced enough to make it into the industry
0 0 Reply
regret in choosing cs a 11 months ago
this job is doomed to be replaced, im surprised its not 100% risk on here, and i am doomed too
0 2 Reply
The guy 10 months ago
No, because AI might be good at generating CSS and simple sorting logic for an array of numbers. But tell it to fix a problem in your code, and it will bug the app out. I asked for a solution once for my React app. It solved the problem, but later that day I found out it had created an infinite loop, which crashed my app when an event was called. I had to reset the back a few commits.

That is what one gets by blindly trusting the code AI gives you. 
1 0 Reply
Jobless coder 11 months ago
Devin already killed this job...
0 1 Reply
Sudip Paul (Low) 11 months ago
Because it's need creativity and understanding of whole context ai can't it can't build something of it's own totally new
0 0 Reply
Egon (Highly likely) 12 months ago
The recent advancements seen in the use of ChatGPT, Devin and GitHub Copilot are all hinting that the jobs of beginners and moderately skilled Web-developers are highly likely to be taken by AI and its subsequent technologies.
4 0 Reply
Mega_Mind 12 months ago
Although AI is capable of creating a website or web apps, it could never replace experienced people.
Imagine an average human trying to create a website. They have no idea about optimization, SEO, security, transferring a domain name, or any other variables and possibilities in the process of creating a website; There are countless things to consider.
An AI technology itself is in need for an engineer to maintain it.
I tried created some designs using AI, and I tragically failed because I have no experience in graphic design.
1 0 Reply

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